A Safe Place to Recover Together

Ben and Andy Goff
Last September, something unimaginable happened to the Goff family. Far away from the rest of the family who live in Powell, Wyoming, 20-year-old Ben was involved in a horrific car accident in Northern Colorado. He suffered extensive injuries to his skull and was immediately airlifted to Swedish hospital in Denver. It all happened so quickly that, by the time his family was notified, Ben was already having surgery. He would remain in a coma for 3-weeks and eventually undergo a skull implant to replace part of his cranium that was damaged during the accident.

As soon as the family got the news, Ben’s dad, Andy, flew to Denver. Fortunately, Andy had a friend in town that he was able stay with temporarily. But as the length of Ben’s treatment grew, it became obvious that he would need a new plan. So, Andy decided to fly to Denver to be with Ben on weekends and return home to work during the week.

In the long month that followed, Ben started to heal. Eventually, Ben’s doctors decided he was ready to be released to a rehabilitation facility, but warned Andy that, before he could go, he would need a safe place for Ben to stay in Denver. For Andy, that meant that the clock had started ticking. He needed to find temporary housing that would be safe and near Ben’s medical treatment.

It was a social worker at Ben’s rehab facility that first suggested RMHC-Denver. As long as the patient is under 21, you’ll be eligible to stay, she told them. Andy now says that was the first time he felt he didn’t have to worry.

“Our situation was so heavy. I was stressed every day. Ronald McDonald House-Denver changed that for me,” he said.

The pair first came to RMHC-Denver in November and, since then, Ben has been able to safely recover without ever having to leave the House. Meals here are provided or can be easily cooked on-site, quiet places to sit are plentiful and staff members are always on-site to assist in case of an emergency.

Today, the family has a renewed sense of hope. Andy was able to transfer his job to Denver and the family has decided to move here within the month. Ben is recovering well and he, too, will stay in Denver.

Andy credits Ronald McDonald House-Denver for helping them get through an unimaginable time. “It allowed me to provide a safe place for Ben, and to do everything the way I was supposed to as a dad,” he said.
